Raw food interview met Tjaša

Ik werd geïnterviewd door de betoverende Tjaša van www.lfrvrecipes.com. Ik had wel een tijdje nodig om al haar vragen te beantwoorden, maar ik denk dat je het interview interessant zal vinden. Het is in het Engels.
About me
I am Patrizio, a 36 year old Software Developer (mostly Web-Development) from Graz / Austria and I love fruits. :)
You can visit www.bekerle.com (mostly in German) for my professional work.
On your website you have some really amazing recipes. How did you learn to create such amazing food?
Thank you for your kind words, Tiasha. I never learned it. I don’t even have a special “sense” for beauty. I merely allow the fruits and veggies to fall into their natural place and then try to catch the right rays of light with a lens. I hope this inspires others to see the beauty of fruits and veggies.
What lead you to your interest in raw food nutrition and did you have any health issues that you’ve overcome through this lifestyle?
I never put my mind on my health before. I can’t even tell why I got “blessed” with this sudden consciousness about this topic… I wrote an article about the event, that led me to this path: About-Me
Do you eat 100% low fat raw vegan and how long have you been eating this way?
There is no 100% anything for me, because then I could not do experiments and counter-experiments to prove myself, that I’m on the right track. I started to walk this path in mid 2011. And so far living high fruit raw vegan works best for me...
Do you eat seasonally, and how does your diet change throughout the year?
Well, I take what I get. When fruits are ripe in my garden, I eat them until there is no fruit left. And winter I have what’s available in supermarkets… My only constant companion are bananas. :) Although I still have kale in my garden, that makes me very happy. You can’t buy kale in Austria (at least I never saw any), you can only grow your own.
What is your typical day like and what would you eat? Are there any foods you consider total staples?
Phew, life changed a lot for me last year and it’s still changing a lot. At the moment I get up in the morning and start to work on my projects. When I get hungry (around noon) I stop working and pay a visit to my workout room.
Afterwards I have my fruity first meal of the day. Currently, for example, I have radish noodles, kale and a smoothie of bananas, juiced apples and pears and maybe a persimmon. Then I would maybe work some more or do other stuff… Later in the evening I would have a 2nd meal.
My only real staple food are bananas. They are in season all year long.
What are some of your favorite books or magazines to read for inspiration?
A while ago I consumed many books from http://www.buddhanet.net/. They did a lot to open my mind. And in my “LFRV-area” Doug Graham’s and Don Bennett’s books were very inspiring. Right now I like to explore how to grow even better fruits and veggies next season. :)
What is your all time favorite recipe that you’ve created?
I don’t see myself as creator of recipes, at best as provider of inspiration to eat more fruits and veggies.
What do you bring to your recipes that is uniquely you?
Maybe the love that I share for fruits and veggies. <3
What advice can you offer to a beginning chef?
Get good quality fruits and veggies and only use ripe fruits.
What is your favorite tool in the kitchen and why?
My Blendtec blender, because it’s so convenient and makes everything very creamy.
In your opinion, what’s the best place on earth to be a raw foodist?
The place where you can be together with your loved ones. Never forget that!
What are your two most important bits of advice about how to go raw and stay raw successfully?
Learn how to get a lot of fruits and how to ripen them. Always have sweet fruits at home for at least four days in the future (take care about your “ripe fruit flow”). Make it a habit to eat sweet, juicy fruits when you are hungry (before you grab anything else).
What are some new things we can expect in the near future?
Since I started to be self-employed not so long ago almost every day is very “new” to me. Currently most parts of my brain are occupied with managing that “new stuff”, so right now most of the “new things” I create are of technical nature...
What’s something we don’t know about you?
A lot of controversy is going on inside myself. ;)
I’m a software developer, that likes to spend a lot of time in front of screens, but who also loves sunshine and nature.
I’m sitting a lot, but I also like to move my body. Having my workout room next to my office room helps a lot. :)
My whole life I was very pragmatic about food and I love the taste of every kind of dish, but I decided to walk the path of a LFRV that instant it made sense to me.
My mind always wants to solve something, but I also love (and need) meditation.
I’m introverted and love to be on my own, but I enjoy being with other people to exchange thoughts, ideas, energy and love.
I’m male, but I love to dance (ballroom and latin). :)